Youth Series Searcher
All series:
- 100 Cupboards
- 100 Dresses
- 13 Treasures Trilogy
- 13-Story Treehouse, The
- 13th Reality
- 13th Street
- 26 Fairmount Avenue
- 39 Clues
- 39 Clues: Cahill Files
- 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers
- 39 Clues: Double Cross
- 39 Clues: Unstoppable
- 43 Old Cemetery Road
- 5 Worlds
- A Tale Dark and Grimm
- A to Z Animal Mysteries
- A to Z Calendar Mysteries
- A To Z Mysteries
- A To Z Mysteries--Super Edition
- Absolutely Alfie
- Academy of Dance
- Accidental Pirates
- Ace Lacewing, Bug Detective
- Adventurers Guild, The
- Adventures at Hound Hotel
- Adventures of Arnie the Doughnut, The
- Adventures of Sophie Mouse, The
- Adventures of the Bailey School Kids
- Adventures of the Bailey School Kids - Super Special
- Adventures of the Bailey School Kids Holiday Specials
- Adventures of Violet & Dash, The
- After Happily Ever After
- Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen
- Aleca Zamm
- Alexander (Easies)
- Alice (Prequels)
- Alice-Miranda
- Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian
- Alien Agent
- Alien Next Door
- Alien Superstar
- Aliens Love Underpants
- All the Wrong Questions
- Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls
- Alvin Ho
- Amazing Adventures of Charlie Small
- Amazing Adventures of Nate Banks, The
- Amber Brown
- Amelia Bedelia (Chapter Books)
- Amelia Bedelia Easy Readers
- Amelia Rules!
- American Dog
- American Girl History Mysteries
- American Girls--Addy, 1864
- American Girls--Caroline, 1812
- American Girls--Cecile and Marie-Grace, 1853
- American Girls--Chrissa, 2009
- American Girls--Felicity, 1774
- American Girls--Gabriela, 2017
- American Girls--Grace, 2015
- American Girls--Isabelle, 2014
- American Girls--Josefina, 1824
- American Girls--Julie, 1974
- American Girls--Kanani, 2011
- American Girls--Kaya, 1764
- American Girls--Kirsten, 1854
- American Girls--Kit, 1934
- American Girls--Lanie, 2010
- American Girls--Lea, 2016
- American Girls--McKenna, 2012
- American Girls--Molly, 1944
- American Girls--Rebecca, 1914
- American Girls--Saige, 2013
- American Girls--Samantha, 1904
- American Girls--Tenney, 2017
- Amulet
- Anastasia Krupnik
- Ancient Greek Myths - You Choose
- And then I Turned into a mermaid
- Andalite Chronicles
- Andy Russell
- Animal Ark
- Animorphs
- Anna & Elsa
- Anna Hibiscus
- Antsy Bonano
- Apothecary, The
- Arlo Finch
- Arthur
- Arthur (Chapter Books)
- Ascendance
- Ashley Small & Ashlee Tall
- Ask Emma
- Astro Nuts
- Avatar
- Avatar, The Last Airbender (Graphic Novels)
- Awesome Dog 5000
- Awkward
- Baby-Sitter's Club ( Graphic Novels)
- Baby-Sitters Club
- Babymouse
- Babymouse - Tales From the Locker
- Babysitter Chronicles, The
- Babysitting Nightmares
- Backstagers
- Bad Guys, The
- Bad Kitty
- Bad Magic
- Baker Street Academy
- Balloon Toons
- Baseball Card Adventures
- Baseball Geeks Adventures, The
- Baseball Genius
- Batman - Tale of the Batcave
- Baxter Family Children
- Be Brave, Morgan!
- Bea Garcia
- Bean Dog and Nugget
- Bears of the Ice
- Beast & Crown
- Beasts of Olympus
- Beatrice Zinker
- Because of Mr. Trupt
- Beep and Bob
- Beforever - Addy, 1864
- Beforever - Caroline, 1812
- Beforever - Felicity, 1774
- Beforever - Josefina, 1824
- Beforever - Julie, 1974
- Beforever - Kaya, 1764
- Beforever - Kit, 1934
- Beforever - Melody, 1964
- Beforever - Molly, 1944
- Beforever - Rebecca, 1914
- Beforever - Samantha, 1904
- Beneath
- Benjamin Pratt & the Keepers of the School
- Benny
- Berrybrook Middle School
- Best Bad Babysitters Ever
- Betsy
- Better Nate than Ever
- Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles
- Beyonders
- Big Foot and Little Foot
- Big Foot Little Foot
- Big Nate
- Big Nate - Comix! Comix! Comix!
- Big Nate Comics
- Billie B. Brown
- Billy Sure, Kid Entrepreneur
- Bink and Gollie
- Bionicle Chronicles
- Birchbark House, The
- Birth of Herobrine, The
- Black Lagoon Adventures
- Blackwell Pages
- Bliss
- Bobbsey Twins
- Book Scavenger
- Books of Bayern
- Borrowers, The
- Bowser and Birdie
- Boxcar Children Graphic Novels
- Boxcar Children Great Adventure
- Boxcar Children Interactive Mysteries
- Boxcar Children Mysteries
- Boxcar Children Mysteries - Specials
- Boy Called Bat
- Boy Seeking Band
- Bracelands
- Bran Hambric
- Bravelands
- Breadwinner, The
- Brendan Buckley
- Bridget Wilder
- Brina the Cat
- Brixton Brothers, The
- Bruce Coville's Alien Adventures
- Bud, Not Buddy
- Buddy Files, The
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Graphic Novel)
- Bug Girl
- Bunnicula
- Butterfly Wishes
- Caden Chronicles
- Calpurnia Tate
- Cam Jansen - Super Specials
- Cam Jansen Mysteries
- Camelot Code
- Camp Average
- Camp Rolling Hills
- Can You Solve the Mystery?
- Candy Fairies
- Candy Shop War
- Candymakers, The
- Capital Mysteries
- Captain Awesome
- Captain Pug
- Captain Underpants
- Carver Chronicles, The
- Case Closed
- Castle Glower
- Cats vs. Robots
- CatStronauts
- Catwad
- Cavall in Camelot
- Caveboy Dave
- Charlie & Frog
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Charlie Hernandez
- Charlie Joe Jackson
- Charlie Numbers
- Chickadee Court Mysteries
- Chicken Squad
- Chicken Squad, The
- Children of Exile
- Children of the Red King
- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
- Choose Your Own Adventure - Nightmare
- Choose Your Own Adventure - Spies
- Choose Your Own Adventure ( Chooseco Edition, 1991-2011)
- Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlark
- Choose Your Own Nightmare
- Choose your own star wars adventure
- Chrissa
- Chronicle of the Dark
- Chronicle of the Dark Star
- Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
- Chronicles of Narnia
- Chronicles of Prydain
- Chronicles of the Black Tulip
- Cici, a Fairy's Tale
- Cilla Lee-Jenkins
- Cinderella Smith
- City Trilogy, The
- Clarice Bean
- Class Pets
- Classic Starts
- Claudia Cristina Cortez Uncomplicates Your Life
- Clementine
- Cleo Edison Oliver
- Cleopatra in Space
- Click
- Cloak Society
- Clockwork Dark, The
- Clueless McGee
- Cobble Street Cousins
- Cogheart Adventures
- Cold Cereal Trilogy
- Comic Squad
- Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez
- Confectionately Yours
- Copernicus Legacy
- Craftily Ever After
- Crafty Cat
- Creature from My Closet
- Creature from the 7th Grade
- Creeper Diaries, The
- Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo
- Crime Biters
- Crispin
- Critter Club, The
- Cross Ups
- Crossover, The
- Cucumber Quest
- Cupcake Club
- Cupcake Diaries
- Curiosity House
- Curse of the Werepenguin
- Cyber.kdz
- Dactyl Hill Squad
- Daisy Dawson
- Daisy Dreamer
- Dance Class
- Daniel Coldstar
- Danny Dunn
- Danny's Doodles
- Daring Dreamers Club
- Dark Gravity Sequence
- Dark Hunter
- Darkdeep, The
- Darth Vader and Son
- DATA Set, The
- Day the Crayons Quit
- DC Comics: Secret Hero Society
- DC Super Hero Girls
- DC Super Hero Girls ( Graphic Novels)
- Dear America
- Dear Dumb Diary
- Dear Dumb Diary, Year Two
- Dear Molly, Dear Olive
- Deltora Shadowlands
- Derby Daredevils
- Descendants, The
- Desmond Cole Ghost Patrol
- Desmond Pucket
- Dessert Diaries, The
- Devlin Quick Mysteries
- Dewey Fairchild
- Diaries, Letters, and Memoirs
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Companion Books)
- Disaster Strikes
- Disney Chills
- Disney Fairies
- Disney Fairies ( Graphic Novels)
- Disney Junior Graphic Novels
- Disney Princess ( Chapter Books)
- Disney Princess Beginnings
- Dog Chronicles
- Dog Diaries
- Dog Diaries ( Patterson, James)
- Dog Man
- Dog Tags
- Dog's Day
- Dogs of World War II
- Dolphin Diaries
- Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
- Door Within Trilogy, The
- Dork Diaries
- Dorothy's Derby Chronicles
- Dory Fantasmagory
- Double Danger Trilogy, Hardy Boys
- Dragon Keepers
- Dragon Masters
- Dragon Slippers
- Dragonbreath
- Dyamonde Daniel
- Echo and the Bat Pack
- Eddie Red Undercover
- Edge of Extinction
- Eerie Elementary
- Einstein the Class Hamster
- Ella and Owen
- Ellie May
- Ellie Ultra
- Ellie, Engineer
- Emily Windsnap
- Emily's Fortune
- Emma Dilemma
- Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat
- Ever Afters, The
- Everest
- Expeditioners, The
- Fablehaven
- Faerieground
- Fairly True Tales
- Fairy Animals of Misty Wood
- Fairy Realm
- Fairy Tale Reform School
- Familiars, The
- Family Tree
- Fenway and Hattie
- Field Trip Mysteries
- Finding Tinker Bell
- Finley Flowers
- Five Kingdoms
- Fizzopolis
- Flat Stanley
- Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventure
- Flower Fairies Friends
- Flower Power
- Flying Beaver Brothers, The
- Flying Furballs
- Forbidden Library, The
- Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist
- Frazzled
- Friendship Bracelet, The
- Friendship Dolls
- From Sadie's Sketchbook
- Fudge
- G. I. Dogs
- Gabby Duran
- Galaxy X Trilogy, Hardy Boys
- Galaxy Zack
- Game Changers
- Gameknight999
- Gathering Darkness, The
- Genius Files, The
- George Brown, Class Clown
- Geronimo Stilton
- Geronimo Stilton Cavemice
- Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novels
- Geronimo Stilton Kingdom of Fantasy, The
- Geronimo Stilton Special Edition
- Ghost Detectors
- Ghosthunters
- Ghosts of Ordinary Objects
- Ghostville Elementary
- Ghoulfriends
- Gideon Trilogy
- Gilda Joyce
- Girls Who Code
- Giver, The
- Goddess Girls
- Gods and Warriors
- Gods of Mahattan
- Going Wild
- Golden & Grey
- Good Crooks
- Gooney Bird
- Greetings from Somewhere
- Grey Griffins
- Guardian Herd, The
- Guardians of Ga'Hoole
- Guardians, The
- Guys Read
- Hamster Princess
- Hamstersaurus Rex
- Hank the Cowdog
- Hank Zipzer
- Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers
- Harry Potter
- Hatford Boys and the Malloy Girls, The
- Haunted Library, The
- Heartwood Hotel
- Heidi Heckelbeck
- Henry Huggins
- Here's Hank
- Hero's Guide
- Herobrine Reborn
- Herobrine's Revenge
- Heroes in Training
- Heroes of Olympus
- Hilo
- Homework Machine, The
- Hoops
- Hopscotch Hill School
- Horace J. Edwards and the Time Keepers
- Horace Splattly: The Cupcaked Crusader
- Horizon
- Horrible Harry and Song Lee
- Horrid Henry
- Horse Diaries
- How to Catch a Bogle
- How to Train Your Dragon
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Humphrey Adventures
- Hyacinth
- Hypnotists, The
- I Am ...
- I Survived
- Igor's Lab of Fear
- In the Land of the Lawn Weenies
- Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, The
- Indian in the Cupboard
- Inspector Flytrap
- Isadora Moon
- Island
- Ivy + Bean
- J. J. Tully Mysteries
- Jack Blank Adventure
- Jaguar Stones
- Jake Maddox - A Survive Story!
- Jake Maddox - Girl Sport Stories
- Jake Maddox - JV
- Jake Maddox - JV Girls
- Jake Maddox Graphic Novels
- Jake Maddox Sport Stories
- Jasper John Dooley
- Jigsaw Jones Mystery
- Joey Pigza
- Judy Moody
- Judy Moody and Friends
- Junie B. Jones
- Just Grace
- Justin Case
- Justine McKeen
- Kane Chronicles
- Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo
- Katie Woo
- Keena Ford
- Keeper of the Lost Cities
- Keepers, The
- Key Hunters
- Kicks, The
- Kidnapped
- Kids of the Polk Street School
- Kids Victory School Superstars
- Killer Mystery Trilogy, Hardy Boys
- King & Kayla
- King Flashypants
- Kingdom Keepers, The
- Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond
- Kitty's Magic
- Kronos Chronicles, The
- Kylie Jean
- Land of Stories, The
- Last Dragon Chronicles
- Last Firehawk, The
- Last Kids on Earth, The
- League of Beastly Dreadfuls, The
- League of Seven, The
- Lemonade War, The
- Lenny and the Mikes
- Life of Ty, The
- Little House
- Lockwood & Co.
- Longburrow
- Looniverse
- Lost Mystery Trilogy, Hardy Boys
- Lost Rainforest, The
- Love Sugar Magic
- Luck Uglies
- Lucy
- Lucy & Andy Neanderthal
- Lucy Rose
- Lulu
- Lunch Lady
- Lyttle Lies
- Mac B., Kid Spy
- Magic Animal Friends
- Magic Animal Friends - Special Editions
- Magic Bone
- Magic Misfits, The
- Magic Puppy
- Magic School Bus - Science Chapter Books
- Magic Shop
- Magic Thief, The
- Magic Tree House
- Magic Tree House - Merlin Mission
- Magic Tree House-Super Edition
- Magical Animal Adoption Agency
- Magnificent Mya Tibbs
- Magnificent Twelve, The
- Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard
- Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (Companion Book)
- Major Eights, The
- Maker Comics
- Mal and Chad
- Mallory
- Marge in Charge
- Marty Frye, Private Eye
- Marty Pants
- Mary Pope Osborne's Tales From the Odyssey
- Mary Poppins
- Mason Dixon
- Masterminds
- Masterpiece Adventures
- Match Wits With Sherlock Holmes
- Matt Christopher Sports Stories
- Maudlin Towers
- Max and the Midknights
- Max and Zoe
- Melowy Graphic Novels
- Mercy Watson
- Mermaid School
- Mia Mayhem
- Mice of the Round Table
- Michael Dahl Presents: Midnight Library 4D
- Middle School
- Middle School Bites
- Middle School Rules
- Midnight Magic
- Mighty Jack
- Mighty Muskrats Mystery
- Miles Taylor and the Golden Cape
- Million Dollar Series
- Minecraft Explorers
- Minecraft Woodsword Chronicles
- MirrorWorld
- Misadventures of Max Crumbly, The
- Missing, The
- Missy's Super Duper Royal Deluxe
- Mo & Dale Mystery
- Moffats, The
- Monster Itch
- Monster Manor
- Monster Squad
- Monsterrific Tale
- Monsters Unleashed
- Monsterstreet
- Monstertown Mystery
- Monty
- Moon Base Alpha
- Moonshadow
- More Than a Princess
- Mother-Daughter Book Club, The
- Mouse Scouts
- Mouseheart
- Moxy Maxwell
- Mr. Kazarian, Alien Librarian
- Mr. Lemoncello's Library
- Mr. Wolf's Class
- Mrs. Noodlekugel
- Mrs. Smith's Spy School for Girls
- Mutant Bunny Island
- My America
- My Life as a ...
- My Little Pony (Chapter)
- My Little Pony (Easy Readers)
- My Little Pony - Princess Collection
- My Name is America
- My Weird School
- My Weird School Daze
- My Weird School Fast Facts
- My Weird School Special
- My Weirder School
- My Weirder-est School
- My Weirdest School
- Mysterious Benedict Society
- Mystery of Entity303, The
- Mystery of Herobrine, The
- Myth-O-Mania
- Nancy Clancy
- Nancy Drew (Companion Books)
- Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew
- Nancy Drew Girl Detective (Graphic Novels)
- Nancy Drew Girl Detective - Super Mystery
- Nancy Drew Mystery Stories
- Narwhal and Jelly
- Nathan Abercrombie, Accidental Zombie
- Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales
- NERDS (National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society)
- Never Girls, The
- Nevermoor
- New Kid
- Newspaper Club
- NewsPrints
- Next Best Junior Chef
- Nick and Tesla's ...
- Night Journeys
- Night of the Living Ted
- Nightmare Club
- Nightmares!
- Nightsiders, The
- Nikki & Deja
- Nina Soni
- Oakwing
- Odd Squad, The
- Oddmire
- Odds
- Olga
- Olympians
- One and Only Ivan
- One Crazy Summer
- Oregon Trail (Find Your Own Trail!)
- Origami Yoda
- Orphan Train Adventures
- Out of This World
- Overthrow
- Owl Diaries
- Owly
- P.U.R.S.T. (Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel)
- Paddington Bear
- Pages & Co.
- Palace Chronicles
- Pals in Peril Tales
- Pandava
- Pandora
- Patrick Griffin and the Three Worlds
- Pedro
- Pegasus
- Penderwicks, The
- Penelope Crumb
- Percy Jackson & the Olympians (Companion Books)
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians
- Perfect Score
- Perfectly Princess
- Perilous Journey of Danger and Mayhem
- Pet Friends Forever
- Pet Hotel
- Pet Rescue Adventures
- Peter & Ernesto
- Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes
- Phoebe and Her Unicorn
- Pinch of Magic
- Piper Reed
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren Court
- Planet Omar
- Platypus Police Squad
- Plot to Kill Hitler
- Pocket Pirates
- Polar Bear Explorers' Club
- Poppy and Friends
- Popularity Pact
- Popularity Papers
- Potion Masters
- President of the Whole Fifth Grade
- press start
- Pride Wars
- Princess Academy
- Princess in Black
- Princess Pink and the Land of Fake-Believe
- Princess Pistachio
- Princess Posey
- Princess Pulverizer
- Princess School
- Puppy Place, The
- Pure Dead Magic
- Qwikpick Papers, The
- R. L. Stine's Ghosts of Fear Street
- Ra the Mighty
- Rainbow Magic--Dance Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Fashion Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Fun Day Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Jewel Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Magical Animals Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Music Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Night Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Ocean Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Party Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Pet Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Petal Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Princess Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Rainbow Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Sports Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Sugar & Spice Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Sweet Fairies
- Rainbow Magic--Weather Fairies
- Ralph S. Mouse
- Ramona Quimby
- Randi Rhodes, Ninja Detective
- Ranger in Time
- Real McCoys, The
- Red Blazer Girls, The
- Red's Planet
- Regal Academy
- Remnants
- Rescue Princesses, The
- Return to Titanic
- Return, The
- Revenge of Magic
- Ricky Ricotta
- Riders of the Realm
- Riley Mack
- Riot Brothers, The
- Rip and Red
- Rise of the Dragons
- Rise of the Warlords
- Riverman Trilogy
- Rocket and Groot
- Ronan Boyle
- Roscoe Riley Rules
- Rose Legacy
- Royal Diaries
- Royal Guide to Monster Slaying
- Ruby Redfort
- Rules for Thieves
- Rush Revere
- Ryan Quinn
- Sadiq
- Sal and Gabi
- Sam
- Sam Abernathy
- Sam the Man
- Sam Wu is NOT Afraid
- Samantha Spinner
- Sammy Keyes
- Sanity and Tallulah
- Sarah, Plain and Tall
- Sarai
- Savage Fortress
- Savvy
- Scary Tales
- School Bus of Horrors
- School for S.P.I.E.S.
- Scream Street
- Secondhand Heroes
- Secret Box
- Secret Coders
- Secret Hero Society
- Secret Language of Girls
- Secret Rescuers
- Secret Series, The
- Secret Zoo
- Secrets and Spies
- Seeds of America
- Seekers
- Seekers: Return to the Wild
- Septimus Heap
- Serafina
- Series of Unfortunate Events, A
- Seven Wonders
- Shadow Children
- Shadow Squadron
- Shakespeare Mysteries
- Shakespeare Stealer, The
- Shark School
- Sherlock Files
- Sherlock, Lupin & Me
- Shiloh
- Sid the Science Kid
- Sisters Grimm, The (J)
- Sixty-Eight Rooms Adventure
- Slacker
- Sleepover Girls
- SleepWalkers
- Smart Girl's Guide
- Snared
- Snazzy Cat Capers
- Soccer Cats
- Sofia Martinez
- Spectacular Spelling Bee
- Spiderwick Chronicles
- Spiderwick Chronicles (Companion Books)
- Spine Shivers
- Spirit Animals
- Spirit Animals - Fall of the Beasts
- Spirit Animals-Special Edition
- Spirit Hunters
- Sprinkle Sundays
- Sprinkles Sundaes
- Spy Mice
- Spy School
- Squire's Tales, The
- Squish
- Star Girl
- Star Wars: Jedi Academy
- Starcatchers
- Starfell
- Starring Jules
- Startup Squad
- Stella Batts
- Stick Cat
- Stick Dog
- Sticker Girl
- Stink
- Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face
- Storm Keeper's Island
- Storm Runner
- Storm Runners
- Story Collector
- Storybound
- Strange Scout Tales
- Streetball Crew
- Sunny
- Super Diaper Baby
- Super Turbo
- SuperFairies
- Surprise Island
- Survival Tails
- Survival!
- Survivors
- Survivors - The Gathering Darkness
- Swindle
- Tale Dark & Grimm, A
- Tale of Magic
- Tale of Two Castles
- Tales from Lovecraft Middle School
- Tales from the House of Bunnicula
- Tales From the Odyssey
- Tales from the Sandlot
- Tales from the Scaremaster
- Tales of Magic
- Tales of Sasha
- Tales of the Frog Princess
- Tales of the Wide-Awake Princess
- Tank & Fizz
- Tapestry, The
- Terrible Two
- Thea Stilton
- Thea Stilton - Mouseford Academy
- Thea Stilton Special Edition
- Theodore Boone
- Theodosia Throckmorton Books
- Thirteen Treasures
- Thorfinn
- Three-Ring Rascals
- Thrones and Bones
- Throwback
- Time Castaways
- Time Jumpers
- Time Quintet
- Time Warp Trio
- Timmy Failure
- Tiny Geniuses, The
- Tiny Tales
- Titanic
- Tombquest
- Tomorrow Girls
- Travel Team
- Treasure Hunters
- Treehouse, The
- Trials of Apollo, The
- Tristan Strong
- Tuesdays at the Castle
- Tunnels
- Turtle in Paradise
- Tut
- Twice Told Tales
- Twice Upon a Time
- Twist My Charm
- Twisted Journeys
- Ugly Cat & Pablo
- Uh-Oh, Cleo
- Ultraball
- Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
- Uncommoners, The
- Under Their Skin
- Underbelly
- Underland Chronicles, The
- Underworlds
- Ungifted
- Unicorn Magic
- Unicorn Quest
- Unicorn Rescue Society, The
- Unintentional Adventures of the Bland Sisters
- Unnaturals
- Unofficial Gamer's Adventure
- Unofficial Graphic Novel for Minecrafters
- Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer
- Unwanteds Quests, The
- Unwanteds, The
- Upside-Down Magic
- Valkyrie
- Vanderbeekers, The
- Vengekeep Prophecies, The
- Victoria Torres, Unfortunately Average
- Villain School
- Violet Mackerel
- Wallace and Grace
- Wanda Seasongood
- War That Saved My Life
- Warren & Dragon
- Warren the 13th
- Warriors - Super Edition
- Warriors Field Guides
- Warriors-The Broken Code
- Warriors: A Vision of Shadows
- Warriors: Dawn of the Clans
- Warriors: Graphic Novels
- Warriors: Omen of the Stars
- Warriors: Power of Three
- Warriors: Ravenpaw's Path
- Warriors: SkyClan and the Stranger
- Warriors: The New Prophecy
- Warriors: The Prophecies Begin
- Warriors: Tigerstar and Sasha
- Watch Hollow
- Wayside School
- Wedgie & Gizmo
- Weenies
- Welcome to Wonderland
- WellieWishers
- Wells & Wong Mystery
- What is the Story Of?
- What Is...?
- What's Your Dream?
- Whatever After
- Where Is...?
- Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
- Where's Leopold?
- Who Was...?
- Who Would Win?
- Wild Magic Trilogy
- Wild Rescuers
- Wild Robot
- Willa of the Wood
- Willow Falls
- Wing & Claw
- Wings of Fire
- Wings of Fire (Graphic Novels)
- Wings of Fire-Legends
- Winnie the Pooh
- Winterhouse Trilogy
- Winterling
- Wish List, The
- Wishbone Classics
- Wishing Day
- Wishmakers, The
- Witch Boy
- Witches of Benevento
- Witching Hours, The
- Wither War
- Wizard for Hire
- Wizard of Oz
- Wizards of Once
- Wolfbay Wings, The
- Wolfe & Lamb Mystery
- Wollstonecraft Detective Agency
- Wolves of the Beyond
- Wonderful World of Oz
- Worldquake
- Worst Class Trip Ever
- Worst Witch
- Wrinkle in Time
- Year of the Dog
- You Choose - Ancient Greek Myths
- You Choose-Doomsday
- You Choose-Fractured Fairy Tales
- You Choose-Haunted Places
- You Choose-Historical Eras
- You Choose-History
- You Choose-Modern History
- You Choose-Survival
- You Choose-World War II
- You Wouldn't Want to
- You Wouldn't Want to Live Without
- Young Cam Jansen
- Young Heroes
- Zapato Power
- Zayd Saleem, Chasing the Dream
- Zeke Meeks
- Zigzag Kids
- Zita the Spacegirl
- Zodiac Legacy
- Zoey and Sassafras
- Zoone