Meeting Rooms
The Orland Park Public Library provides meeting rooms as a limited forum to support its informational, educational, and recreational mission and roles. The library will not discriminate in making its premises available for use on the basis of viewpoints expressed by users or the race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliations, or physical limitations of the users. Use of the meeting rooms does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement of the users or the users' beliefs by the Orland Park Public Library or the Board of Library Trustees.
Meeting rooms may be reserved up to three (3) months in advance, but no less than ten (10) business days in advance. Groups may arrive at the meeting room 30 minutes before the meeting begins. All meeting rooms must be vacated no later than 8:45pm. Meeting rooms are to be used for no longer than three (3) hours for any one meeting room booking.
Reservations are not final until confirmed by email and/or phone call by the Library staff. All meetings must be open to the public. Groups may not charge admission nor solicit or require donations for attendance by non-members and/or the public.
Please drop completed applications off at the Welcome Desk
or email to: or
Meeting Room Policy (PDF)
Meeting Room Rules and Regulations (PDF)
Meeting Room Reservation and Use Agreement Form (PDF)
Meeting Room 104

Meeting Room 104: Theater style seating with a maximum capacity of 80 chairs; three (3) tables in the front of the room and three (3) tables in the back of the room.
Meeting Room 102

Meeting Room 102: Maximum capacity fifteen (15) people. Five tables in a large square surrounded by fifteen (15) chairs; with dry erase board; no audio-visual capabilities.