Category Sewing Construction Tools
Description 15" X 24" pink plastic bag with fifty-four assorted patterns enclosed. Included: Thirty-nine Pin Kit of the following SKU #'s, AET6, AET7, AET8, AET9, AETA, AETB, AETC, AETD, AETE, AETF, AETG, AETH, AETI, AETJ, AETK, AETL, AETM, AETN, AETO, AETP, AETQ, AETR, AETS, AETT, AETU, AETV, AETW, AETX, AETY, AETZ, AEU0, AEU2, AEU2, AEU3, AEU4, AEU5, AEU6, AEU7, AEU8, AEU9 and twelve Fuse/Test Jumper Cont of the following SKU's, AEUA, AEUB, AEUC, AEUD, AEUE, AEUF, AEUG, AEUH, AEUI, AEUJ, AEUK, AEUL and one Mini-Grabber Lid, Nomex of the following SKU, KZ4W. All items included are in good condition.
Barcode 31315006310309
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Not flown. Item is in used condition. Patterns were used to create various textile based equipment for the Shuttle Missions. Part of order 11-2.
Purpose Patterns or templates are used to make an array of soft products for the astronauts to use and wear. Patterns are made of manila card stock and have markings indicating where certain seams match. In 1965, master patterns were flown to Philadelphia to be photographed so that each pattern shape was preserved.
Information gathered from:
de Monchaux, Nicholas, Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2011. See Chapter 14, Handmade.
Category Sewing Construction Tools
Description 15" X 24" pink plastic bag with fifty-four assorted patterns enclosed. Included: three Fuse Kit of the following SKU's, AEGN, AEGO, AEGP, four Hex Wrench of the following SKU's, AEGQ, AEGR, AEGS, AEGT, fourteen Tool Pouch of the following SKU's, AEGU, AEGW, AEGX, AEGY, AEGZ, AEH0, AEH1, AEH2, AEH3, AEH4, AEH5, AEH6, AEH7, AEH8, fourteen Small Tool Extension, AEH9, AEHA, AEHB, AEHC, AEHD, AEHE, AEHF, AEHG, AEHH, AEHI, AEHJ, AEHK, AEHL, AEHM, one Protect Cover w/Reway of the following SKU #'s, AEHN. All items included are in good condition.
Barcode 31315006310374
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Not flown. Patterns were used to create various textile based equipment for the Shuttle Missions. Part of order 11-2.
Purpose Patterns or templates are used to make an array of soft products for the astronauts to use and wear. Patterns are made of manila card stock and have markings indicating where certain seams match. In 1965, master patterns were flown to Philadelphia to be photographed so that each pattern shape was preserved.
Information gathered from:
de Monchaux, Nicholas, Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2011. See Chapter 14, Handmade.
Category Sewing Construction Tools
Description 42" X 24" pink plastic bag with thirty-five assorted patterns enclosed. Included: three Clean Solvent Container of the following SKU's ABLD, ABLE, ABLF, five Dry Wipe Container of the following SKU's, ABLG, ABLH, ABLI, ABLR, ABMF, seven Wet Wipe Dispenser of the following SKU's ABLJ, ABLK, ABLL, ABLM, ABLP, ABLN, ABLO, one Shell Tissue Dispenser of the following SKU, ABLQ, three Utility Pouch of the following SKU's, ABM6, ABM7, ABM8, one Velcro Kit of the following SKU, ABMG, eight Trash Bag of the following SKU's, ABL8, ABL3, ABL4, ABL5, ABL6, ABL7, ABL9, ABLA, five Temporary Stowage Bag of the following SKU's, ABKX, ABKY, ABKZ, ABL0, ABL1, two Sleep Kit of the following SKU's, ABLB, ABLC. All items included are in good condition.
Barcode 31315006310358
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Not flown. Item is in used condition. Patterns were used to create various textile based equipment for the Shuttle Missions. Part of order 11-2.
Purpose Patterns or templates are used to make an array of soft products for the astronauts to use and wear. Patterns are made of manila card stock and have markings indicating where certain seams match. In 1965, master patterns were flown to Philadelphia to be photographed so that each pattern shape was preserved.
Information gathered from:
de Monchaux, Nicholas, Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2011. See Chapter 14, Handmade.
Category Sewing Construction Tools
Description 33.5" X 24" pink plastic bag with seventy-eight assorted patterns enclosed. Included: MMU Lap Belt of the following SKU's ADB2, ADB3, ADB4, ADB5, ADB6, ADB7, ADB8,ADB9, Light Shade Assy of the following SKU's ADBB, ADBC, Jettison Stowage Bag of the following SKU's, ADCN, AE4M, AE4N, Middeck Stowage Bag of the following SKU's ADCY, ADCZ, ADD0, Toilet Tissue Dispenser of the following SKU's ADD5, ADD6, ADD7, ADD8, ADD9, ADDA, Headrest of the following SKU's ADDF, AE1T, Wet Wash Container of the follwing SKU's ADDL, ADDM, ADDN, ADDO, ADDP, WCCU Chest & Holster of the following SKU's ADDQ, ADDR, ADDS, Airlock Stowage Pallet Assy of the following SKU's AE2B, AFT Experiment pouch of the following SKU'sAE32, AE4F, AE4G, AE4H, AE4L, Underseat Stowage Container of the following SKU's AE33, AE34, AE35, AE36, AE37, AE38, AE39, AE3A, AE3B, AE3C, AE3D, AE3E AE3F, AE3G, AE3H, AE3I, AE3J, AE3K, AE3L, AE3M, AE3N, AE3O, AE3Q, AE3R, PBI Knit Window of the following SKU AE3P, Waistband Template of the following SKU's AE3S, AE4I, AE4J, Female UCD of the following SKU AE3T, Desimeter Bag of the following SKU ADAY, Pocket Front Nomex 7.5 of the following SKU KZ51, Bottom Nomex of the following SKU KZ4Z, Desimeter Pouch of the following SKU ADDT, ADAZ, Pocket Flap Nomex 7.5 of the following SKU KZ52, Pyrell Foam of the following SKU KZ53, Fecal Bag Ring Seal Template of the following SKU AE1Q, Pouch Liner Nomex Duck of the following SKU KZAY. All items included are in good condition.
Barcode 31315006310408
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Not flown. Item is in used condition. Patterns were used to create various textile based equipment for the Shuttle Missions. Part of order 11-2.
Purpose Patterns or templates are used to make an array of soft products for the astronauts to use and wear. Patterns are made of manila card stock and have markings indicating where certain seams match. In 1965, master patterns were flown to Philadelphia to be photographed so that each pattern shape was preserved.
Information gathered from:
de Monchaux, Nicholas, Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2011. See Chapter 14, Handmade.
Category Sewing Construction Tools
Description 33.5" X 24" pink plastic bag with thirty-seven assorted patterns enclosed. Included: Stowage Bag of the following SKU's ABVX, ABVY, ABVZ, ABW0, Volume G & H Liner of the following SKU's ABWB, ABWC, ABWD, ABWP, ABWQ, ABWR, ABWS, ABWY, Volume Liner E Pattern of the following SKU's ABWE, ABWF, ABWG, ABWH, ABWN, ABWT, ABWU, ABWV, ABWW, ABWX, Special Stowage Bag of the following SKU's ABWJ, ABWK, ABWL, Front Panel Armalon of the following SKU ABWO, IFM Contingency Hose & Cable Con of the following SKU's ABX1, ABX2, ABX3, ABX4, ABX5, ABX6, ABX7, ABX8, ABX9, Retention Net of the following SKU ABW6, Side Panel Right Nomex of the following SKU KZ4X. All items included are in good condition.
Barcode 31315006310416
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Not flown. Item is in used condition. Patterns were used to create various textile based equipment for the Shuttle Missions. Part of order 11-2.
Purpose Patterns or templates are used to make an array of soft products for the astronauts to use and wear. Patterns are made of manila card stock and have markings indicating where certain seams match. In 1965, master patterns were flown to Philadelphia to be photographed so that each pattern shape was preserved.
Information gathered from:
de Monchaux, Nicholas, Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2011. See Chapter 14, Handmade.
Category Electronics
Description 3" Black 3 wire with flat black cap. Has label; SED16102321-307, S/N 5062. Includes two tags; one buff and one red. Looks like the microphone is broken from another existing piece that is not included. Item is in fair condition.
Barcode 31315005265645*
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center, Houston, TX. Broken on 7/23/09, taken out of commission on 4/22/10. Item was part of the Shuttle program but was not flown. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Unit barcode and archival box are shared with Battery Pack Compartment.* Part of order #4.
Purpose Boom microphones are worn by astronauts for communication. Fitted caps are worn which have a listening piece in the ear and a boom microphone near the mouth for speaking. The microphone is part of the Communications Carrier Assembly. This is worn under an astronaut’s helmet.
Category Electronics
Description Blue metal electronics box with two white buttons, XMIT and ICOM labels. White label with "USA, United Space Alliance, Title: Microphone, Part No.: Hand-Held, Serial: 95-014571-01, 01007, NAS9-20000, Space Flight Operations, Contract" written on front. Yellow and white velcro patches on back of blue box. Black microphone protruding 2.75" from box. White cord, 7' and 8" long with eight-pin plug on the end. Black velcro holds cord in coil. Item is in good condition.
Barcode 31315006360890
Provenance Item shipped from Johnson Space Center, Houston Texas. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is a display piece. Part of order 17-4.
Purpose Handheld microphones are carried around by astronauts on the space shuttle so they can talk to other crew members and the Mission Control Center.
Category Clothing
Description 9.312" X 7.375" Khaki colored mitten with four pieces of white Velcro and an "L" sewn on. Small black loop sewn into the bottom of mitten. Flap across fingers has label inside. Item; Mitten Assy. Left, Part No; 010684628-13, Serial No; 159, Size; 06, Code ID; 74897, MFG; 9/89, ILC Dover. Has 2 plastic bags; one with 2 red and white labels, one with yellow tape and buff inventory tag hang from it. Item is in very good condition.
Barcode 31315005273904
Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center in Houston Texas. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Claims Not Flown but has grease marks from use on the piece. Part of order # 9-1.
Purpose Astronauts wear many layers of gloves to perform a variety of tasks. Thermal mittens add extra protection in extreme temperature environments.
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