NASA Special Collection Database


Category: all • Total items: 359

Monitors, Light

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Category Electronics

Description 6.25" X 3.75" Blue gabardine wrist band with white strap and Velcro closures. 1.5" X 2.75" X .75" Monitor Velcro-ed to the band. Monitor is silver colored metal with two stickers; round red and Class III, Not for Flight. Printing on the side; SDD 46111312-302, S/N 1001. Inventory sticker on the opposite side of the wrist band. Included small clear plastic bag. Item in is very good condition.

Barcode 31315005263277

Provenance Shipped from LBJ Space Center. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Not flown. Item is in used condition. Part of order # 3. Please note* Singular monitor but title is listed in the plural form as from NASA.

Purpose Light monitors are used for a variety of experiments conducted in space. Straps are sometimes used to affix them to an astronaut’s person to monitor and log the amount of ambient light they experience in space, especially to help ensure a healthy sleep cycle and general mental and physical health.

Netting, Escape Basket

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Category Stowage/Protective Containers

Description 92" X 168" net constructed of white 1/2" wide rope. Item has a 1" X 2" metal tag wired to it "Sept 2011". Item weighs 40 lbs. Item is in good condition.

Barcode 31315006360585

Provenance Item shipped from Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL. Currently held in the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is a display piece. Part of order 17-2.

Purpose Netting would surround cable-mounted escape baskets at the shuttle platform which would slide to bunkers at a safe distance in the event that the astronauts should need to evacuate during launch procedures.

Newsletter, Marshall Star

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Category Book/Print/Published Item

Description Vol. 14, No. 25, March 6, 1974. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. Newsletter: 9.5" X 12". Four pages in total. Item is in very good condition.

Barcode 31315006310069

Provenance Shipped from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, Greg Tate. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is part of order #13-1.

Purpose Published every Wednesday, the Marshall Star serves as the Center's weekly newspaper and includes in-depth articles, features, and photographs as well as reports on upcoming Marshall-related events. This explanation is quoted from the home page of the Marshall Star website.

Newsletter, Marshall Star

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Category Book/Print/Published Item

Description Vol. 14, No. 50, August 28, 1974. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. Newsletter: 9.5" X 12". Four pages in total. Item has one section cut out. Item is in fair condition.

Barcode 31315006309988

Provenance Shipped from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, Greg Tate. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is part of order #13-1.

Purpose Published every Wednesday, the Marshall Star serves as the Center's weekly newspaper and includes in-depth articles, features, and photographs as well as reports on upcoming Marshall-related events. This explanation is quoted from the home page of the Marshall Star website.

Newsletter, Marshall Star

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Category Book/Print/Published Item

Description Vol. 15, No. 15, December 18, 1974. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. Newsletter: 9.5" X 12". Four pages in total. Item is in very good condition.

Barcode 31315006311240

Provenance Shipped from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, Greg Tate. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is part of order #13-1.

Purpose Published every Wednesday, the Marshall Star serves as the Center's weekly newspaper and includes in-depth articles, features, and photographs as well as reports on upcoming Marshall-related events. This explanation is quoted from the home page of the Marshall Star website.

Newsletter, Marshall Star

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Category Book/Print/Published Item

Description Vol. 15, No. 7, October 23, 1974. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. Newsletter: 9.5" X 12". Four pages in total. Item is in very good condition.

Barcode 31315006311281

Provenance Shipped from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, Greg Tate. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is part of order #13-1.

Purpose Published every Wednesday, the Marshall Star serves as the Center's weekly newspaper and includes in-depth articles, features, and photographs as well as reports on upcoming Marshall-related events. This explanation is quoted from the home page of the Marshall Star website.

Newsletter, Marshall Star

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Category Book/Print/Published Item

Description Vol. 15, No. 9, November 6, 1974. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. Newsletter: 9.5" X 12". Four pages in total. Item is in very good condition.

Barcode 31315006311273

Provenance Shipped from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, Greg Tate. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is part of order #13-1.

Purpose Published every Wednesday, the Marshall Star serves as the Center's weekly newspaper and includes in-depth articles, features, and photographs as well as reports on upcoming Marshall-related events. This explanation is quoted from the home page of the Marshall Star website.

Newsletter, Marshall Star

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Category Book/Print/Published Item

Description Vol. 14, No. 27, March 20, 1974. NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. Newsletter: 9.5" X 12". Four pages in total. Item is in very good condition.

Barcode 31315006309939

Provenance Shipped from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, Greg Tate. Currently Held at the Orland Park Public Library NASA Special Collection. Item is part of order #13-1.

Purpose Published every Wednesday, the Marshall Star serves as the Center's weekly newspaper and includes in-depth articles, features, and photographs as well as reports on upcoming Marshall-related events. This explanation is quoted from the home page of the Marshall Star website.

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